Sunday, July 12, 2009

week 4

  1. What does MoLAA stand for? .25 percent
MoLAA stands for Museum of Latin American Art.
  1. Explain what you see on the above video clips (be specific)? .25 percent
The clip showed many different works of art that have been created throughout latin america.  The video itself showed a variety of different art from paintings to sculptures.  It was a way of showing how latin america has contributed to the world of art.
  1. What did you learn from the video clips (3 facts)?1.5 percent
1)  I learned that many artists use just about what ever they can find to create art. One work was made out of pieces of ceiling fans. crazy a cool way of course......I'm not putting it down.
2) I learned that every latin american country  seems to have contributed towards this art collection.
3) I learned the museum is located in Long Beach, California.
  1. What is one specific work in this location that attracted you? Give us the name, and related background info which you must do more research on worth 3 percent
"Bandada" or Flock by Enrique Grau.  Bandada was one of 1300 pieces of art that was donated by Grau.  Sadly I could not find very much information on this work of art.  I choose this one because It stood out as darker and seemed to have more depth to it then a lot of the other art pieces.

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